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Workers' Compensation


Workers’ Compensation coverage pays for medical care and physical rehabilitation of employees injured at work, and helps to replace lost wages while they are unable to work due to their injuries. Additionally, in many cases this coverage protects an employer from being sued by an injured worker.


At Martin Insurance Consultants, we work hard to understand your individual circumstances so that we can better protect your interests when writing your workers’ compensation policy. We are also happy to answer your important questions like:

  • As an owner, do I have to cover myself under workers’ compensation?

  • What happens if an employee gets injured while working out of state?

  • Which companies offer “Pay As You Go” payment options for workers’ compensation?

Martin Insurance Consultants can help your business find complete solutions to your unique workers’ compensation insurance needs. We know your employees travel to conferences and jobs outside of Arizona, and can get injured just as easily there as they can in your own office. We will find solutions that create safer and more productive workplaces, more confident and secure workers, and overall savings you will see on the bottom line.


When you’re ready to hire your first employee, call us for a workers’ compensation quote. The state of Arizona requires all businesses to have workers’ compensation for all of their employees.


What do you need to know about workers’ compensation insurance?

Some workers’ compensation coverage can include:


  • Innovative payment systems

  • Medical disability case managers

  • Utilization management nurses

  • Certified life care planning nurses

  • Vocational rehabilitation consultants

  • Physician consulting services

  • Legal staff

  • Contracts with medical network providers

  • Managed prescription drug programs


One size does not fit all

Since every situation is unique, your insurance portfolio should consist of a unique blend of coverages, limits, deductibles, and premiums. With our individualized approach, you receive a portfolio as unique as you.


There when you need us

Rest assured that when you have a claim, you are not alone. Not only do we counsel you about your claim, we are also your advocates. Request your free, no obligation insurance review today!


Martin Insurance Consultants also writes workers’ compensation insurance in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

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