Long Term Care

Long term care is the care you receive when you cannot take care of yourself for an extended period of time. This care can come from a number of sources such as an adult day care center, assisted living facility, community care, home care, hospice care facility, hospital long term care unit, or nursing home.
Long term care insurance enables you to transfer some of the costs of long term care to an insurance company so that you may protect your accumulated wealth from this potentially devastating expense.
At Martin Insurance Consultants, we work hard to understand your individual circumstances so that we can better protect your interests when writing your LTC (Long Term Care) policy. We are also happy to answer any additional questions you might have.
What are the chances you will need long term care?
More than 50% of the U.S. population will need some form of long term care during their lives. (Americans for Long Term Care Security, 2002)
60% of all Americans age 65 and over will require care in a convalescent or nursing facility sometime during their lifetime. (Congressional Report, 6-01)
43% of all long term care claims are for individuals under age 65. (National Underwriter, January, 2001)
Will Medicare pay for long term care?
Medicare primarily focuses on hospital stays and physician visits. Medicare is neither designed nor intended to cover long term care. As such, it will not cover more than a few days of skilled nursing home care.
Will Medicaid pay for long term care?
Medicaid is a government “welfare” health care program for indigent persons. Established by the Federal government, it is administered by the states and funded by both federal and state governments. Benefit levels and eligibility requirements vary by state.
When a person requires long term care and does not have private insurance, funding for the care must first come from the individual’s own income, savings and assets. Only when the person has “spent down” or exhausted his her income, savings and most assets to a minimal amount, will Medicaid funding become available. In addition, Medicaid limits your choice of facilities and often pays too little to cover the cost of high-quality care.
There are many facets to long term care insurance. We will work with you to devise the best possible strategy for your circumstances and help find the best solution for your needs.
Contact us today so we can begin helping you. We can answer your questions about LTC insurance and what’s right for you. We are here to help you protect your family and your valuables.
Who should consider buying long term care insurance?
People who:
don’t want to burden their children or family.
want to protect their assets.
want to avoid going on Medicaid.
want to have peace of mind.
want to have control of their care.
want to maintain their independence.
Is there an alternative to traditional long term care insurance?
Yes, it’s called Hybrid or Linked Life Insurance and Long Term Care. Planning for LTC (Long Term Care) is an important way to protect even the most solid retirement plan. For many years the primary options for LTC planning were self-insuring or purchasing traditional LTC insurance. Today, there is another way to protect you future using “Linked Benefit LTC Coverage” which combines Life and LTC into one innovative package. Contact us today for more information on this new alternative to traditional long term care.
One size does not fit all
Since every situation is unique, your insurance portfolio should consist of a unique blend of coverages, limits, deductibles, and premiums. With our individualized approach, you receive a portfolio as unique as you.
There when you need us
Rest assured that when you have a claim, you are not alone. Not only do we counsel you about your claim, we are also your advocates. Request your free, no obligation insurance review today!